Colburn Law

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Colburn Law

Seattle Campus Accident Lawyer

The Seattle area is home to many prestigious universities and colleges, from The University of Washington to Seattle University and the Art Institute of Seattle. It also has several community colleges within its borders. While our area colleges provide their students and community members opportunities for academic and personal growth, accidents occur on these campuses each day. If you recently sustained an injury on a Seattle-area college campus, you may be eligible for compensation.

 Types of Campus Injuries

A student, teacher, or patron may incur injury on campus for any number of reasons. Generally, these become a matter of law when unsafe conditions or unsafe actions of others play a role in their occurrence. Some common examples include:

Negligent Security and Premises Liability Concerns

Many campus accidents, unfortunately, result from inadequate or negligent security measures. A Seattle college or university may fall short of protecting its students, staff, or patrons when they fail to adequately foresee or prevent harm arising from insufficient security. Examples may include:

  • Failure to install or maintain adequate lighting (e.g., in stairwells or parking structures)
  • Failure to install or maintain locks on campus area doors or windows, including dormitories
  • Prior knowledge of campus attacks. If an area university knew of a recent attack on campus and failed to take appropriate preventive action, they may be liable for subsequent injuries.

Seattle-area college campuses have a legal obligation to protect their students while they’re on campus or while they’re participating in campus-sanctioned activities. If you or a loved one sustained injury on a college campus resulting from negligent security, you may be able to get compensation for your medical bills and psychological care. A personal injury settlement will also compensate for pain, suffering, and other intangible losses associated with the accident.

Campus Area Slip and Fall/ Trip and Fall

Another common form of campus premises liability case in Seattle is injuries arising from slips and falls or trips and falls. If you injure yourself on a poorly maintained or inherently defective area of campus, you may be able to file a personal injury claim for damages. Schools have a legal responsibility to keep their campuses safe by reasonably constructing and maintaining their property for both students and visitors. The following are examples of slip and fall cases on college campuses:

  • Fractures or sprains resulting from tripping on an uneven sidewalk
  • Injuries from tripping on a broken stair
  • A head injury resulting from a fall on a highly waxed floor

Your Seattle Area Campus Attorney

Colleges have an obligation to protect their students. If you believe the University of Washington, the University of Seattle, or any other area college failed in their duty, contact us for a free initial consultation. Contact an experienced Seattle injury lawyer at Colburn Law meet you wherever is most convenient so we can discuss your case further.