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What to Do When You Slip and Fall in a Store

Colburn Law

If you find yourself on the ground in a store due to a slip and fall accident, it can be overwhelming, both emotionally and physically. However, the steps that you take during this can greatly impact your well-being and your options for financial compensation. When you slip and fall personal injury while in a store, it is essential to take a few key steps to ensure your rights are protected.

"What to Do When You Slip and Fall in a Store" With grocery store in background with blue gradient over the photo.

#1: Report the Incident

Immediately after the fall, notify store management or security about the incident. It’s critical to have a formal record of the event so that you can establish that the accident happened. Ask for a copy of any report they create; this document can become essential if you decide to pursue a claim later. 

#2: Be Careful with What You Say

It’s natural to want to discuss the incident, especially if you’re in shock or pain. However, be mindful of the words you choose. Avoid making definitive statements or accepting blame. Instead of saying, “I wasn’t looking where I was going,” it’s better to state the facts: “I slipped on the wet floor.” Your words can be used later in any potential legal proceedings, so it’s best to be factual and concise.

#3: Seek Medical Attention

Even if you feel fine, it’s crucial to see a doctor as soon as possible after a slip and fall accident. Some injuries might not manifest symptoms immediately, but there could be serious complications without prompt treatment.

Your medical records will provide an accurate account of any injuries sustained from the fall and will serve as valuable evidence should you decide to pursue a claim. Your health is paramount, so don’t delay this step.

#4: Collect All Possible Evidence

If you can, take pictures of the exact spot where you fell. Capture any hazards like wet floors, uneven tiles, or obstructions. If the store has surveillance cameras, take note of their locations. They might have captured the incident. Additionally, keep any clothing or shoes you were wearing during the fall. They could become important evidence regarding the conditions of the floor or area.

You should also request a copy of the surveillance footage as soon as possible. If the store refuses to provide you with this evidence, do not worry. Your attorney can subpoena the footage later. 

#5: Speak to Any Witnesses

If anyone saw what happened, ask for their names and contact details. Witnesses can provide an impartial account of the incident, which can be instrumental if there’s any dispute about the circumstances leading to the fall.  

#6: Contact a Slip and Fall Accident Attorney

Once you have received medical attention for your injuries, seek legal assistance as soon as possible. Navigating a slip and fall claim can be a stressful process, especially while you are recovering from an accident. In these situations, a Washington premises liability attorney can protect your best interests and fight for the compensation that you deserve.

A slip and fall accident attorney can guide you through the complexities of your legal claim, helping you understand your rights and the compensation that you could recover. They can provide insights on how to proceed, especially if the store or its insurance company contacts you.

After your accident, schedule a free legal consultation to discuss your case and learn more about your legal options.