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What Are The Most Common Occupations at Risk for Mesothelioma?

Colburn Law

Mesothelioma is a rare but aggressive form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral once widely used in various industries due to its heat resistance and durability. When asbestos fibers are inhaled, they can become lodged in the body and cause cancer in the lining of the lungs, abdomen, or heart.

Although the use of asbestos has significantly declined in recent years, many individuals are still at risk due to past exposure. Certain workers are more likely to encounter asbestos on the job, placing them at a greater risk of developing mesothelioma.

Asbestos Miners

Unsurprisingly, asbestos miners face one of the highest risks of developing mesothelioma. These individuals were directly exposed to asbestos fibers during the mining process, inhaling dangerous amounts of the mineral over an extended period. 

Construction Workers

Asbestos was widely used in construction materials such as insulation, roofing, flooring, and cement products. Construction workers, including carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and insulation installers, often encountered asbestos-containing materials on job sites. Additionally, workers can inadvertently disturb asbestos fibers while renovating or demolishing older buildings.

Shipbuilders and Shipyard Workers

The shipbuilding industry heavily relied on asbestos for its fire-resistant properties and insulation capabilities. Shipbuilders and shipyard workers, including welders, pipefitters, and insulation installers, were frequently exposed to asbestos while constructing or repairing ships. 


Although firefighters may not directly work with asbestos, they are still at risk due to the presence of asbestos in older buildings and structures. When a fire occurs, asbestos-containing materials can release toxic fibers, endangering the lives of firefighters who inhale the contaminated air.

Factory Workers

Factories that manufactured products such as textiles, gaskets, brakes, and insulation commonly used asbestos. Workers involved in the production or handling of these materials faced significant exposure to asbestos fibers. Additionally, poor ventilation systems and limited safety precautions in older factories further increased the risk of inhalation.

Power Plant Employees

Power plants often utilized asbestos-containing materials in their infrastructure, including insulation for pipes, boilers, and turbines. Electricians, maintenance workers, and boiler operators who worked in power plants were regularly exposed to asbestos fibers while conducting repairs, maintenance, or construction activities.

What to Do If You Are Diagnosed with Mesothelioma

What to Do If You Are Diagnosed with Mesothelioma

Receiving a mesothelioma diagnosis can be devastating, but there are steps you can take to protect your rights. The first and most crucial step is to speak with your doctor and follow his or her advice for treatment. After you have sought medical help, it is important to speak with a Washington personal injury attorney who specializes in mesothelioma claims. 

A Washington worksite injury and mesothelioma attorney will have the knowledge and expertise to handle your case and can maximize your chances of obtaining financial support for medical care, lost wages, and other damages. Your lawyer can guide you through the legal process, help identify potential sources of asbestos exposure, and assist you in filing a claim for compensation. 

After receiving your diagnosis, gather all relevant medical records and documentation related to your asbestos exposure, including work records and job contracts. Then, schedule a free legal consultation to learn more about your options and take your first steps toward recovering the compensation that you deserve.